Theresa Clement
Executive Director
I grew up on a dairy farm in the Grovespring area, where I attended church most anytime the doors were open. One Sunday morning, when I was ten, the Lord did a work in my heart and I went forward to the altar that day and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It was the best decision I have ever made for my life. When I grew up I met my husband, Wendell Clement, who is a pastor; we have four children: Ross, Kendra, Kourtney & Ryan. I was a stay-at-home mom, and stayed busy helping on the farm and juggling school activities along with music lessons. We raised our children in church to serve the Lord and to be ready for whatever call God has for them. I am very proud of the fact that each of them has married a Godly spouse, and they are raising my fifteen grandchildren, whom I love and adore, in the house of God.
I have been involved with Choices Pregnancy Center since we had our first meeting to discuss starting a pregnancy center in April, 2011. We opened the doors 18 months later in October, 2012. During that time, the Lord began to work on me about becoming the Executive Director, and I have been in that role ever since. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to share the Gospel with our clients and do what I can to encourage a Godly choice for their families. Since becoming Director of Choices Pregnancy Center, I have continually attended trainings and seminars to increase my knowledge of how to help our clients and potential clients, and also to strengthen and encourage my spiritual walk with the Lord.
My husband has pastored a church in the Phillipsburg area for the past 10 years. We love our Lord and Savior, and just want to see others come to know him and experience the blessings of being a Christian.